tucasa business apartments is committed to the health and safety of all our clients and guests. We believe that the comfort of hospitality is needed most of all in challenging times like these. Some of us may not be able to get back home and require a temporary home with a kitchen, now that restaurants and cafés are temporarily closed.

Do you need help, have a question or should you become aware of any situation that needs our assistance or knowledge, please contact us immediately at +32(0)9 265 02 01, at or use our contact form on the website.


Which measures did tucasa business apartments take?

As ever, the safety and security of our guests and team members remain our number one priority. We maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. In response to the coronavirus, we have taken additional measures to make our cleaning and hygiene protocols even more rigorous:

  • Our teams are receiving ongoing briefings and enhanced operating protocols.
  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning our public areas (including lobbies, elevators, door handles, etc.)
  • We have increased the deployment of antibacterial hand sanitizers.
  • We offer every guest a set of washable facemasks & 2 bottles of antibacterial hand sanitizers.
  • Extra facemask or antibacterial hand sanitizers can be provided if required (at cost price)


About COVID-19

In December 2019 the outbreak of the coronavirus started in Wuhan, China. As everyone knows, the virus spreads quickly and has officially been labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

To contain the coronavirus in the Belgian Government has taken additional measures. What does this mean:


Stop the spread of Covid-19

  • Stay at home if you are sick.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Keep enough distance (1.5 metres) when outdoors.
  • Limit your physical social contacts.
  • Wear a face mask on public transport and in crowded public places.


Take care of yourself

  • Do you have a fever and/or respiratory problems (such as coughing and breathing difficulties)?
  • Stay home.
  • Call your general practitioner (GP) and report your symptoms.
  • Don't go to your GP or the Accident and Emergency (A&E).
  • Your GP will tell you on the phone what to do. For instance, go to your GP surgery or a triage centre for a test.
  • Make a list of all the people you came into close contact with.
  • Did you test positive? Then contact tracing will start 


COVID-19 Information providers

For up to date follow up please check:

Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to give you extra peace of mind!

Are you missing certain information? Let us know by filling in the contact form on our website.


Any questions?

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